Partner with Oatmeal Health

Changing the way people are cared for, together

Together we can improve cancer screening access, education, and patient outcomes through collaboration

Better care, one partner at a time

Reach out if you’d like to learn more about how we can help your members get the care that’s built around them.

Working together to improve chronic disease screenings

Oatmeal Health collaborates with companies, governments, nonprofits, and other organizations to address complex healthcare challenges on a national scale. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support, and more are helping build stronger communities.

Let’s Make Things Happen

Join our team to help beat chronic disease

“Our goal is to make health equity a shared vision and value, by increasing community capacity to shape outcomes, and fostering multi-sector collaboration, our solutions foster equal opportunity for health, which is the foundation for a vibrant, healthy community.”

Jonathan Govette

Founder and CEO, Oatmeal Health

Jonathan Govette
Founder, CEO

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